Tagged: Adam Reeves

Late Night Doing More B-Roll


New Rheem Marquee

More late night shooting with Nico Van Den Berg (Director of Cinematography) and Adam Reeves (Director).

After sunset, Nico and Adam were seen running around the Bay Area shooting apartments, office buildings, homes, restaurants, and this great shot of a special marquee on the front of the Rheem Theatre in Moraga announcing one of the events that takes place in the film and was supported by a GREAT outpouring of local extras in the area to fill the audience seats! Thank you, Rheem Theatre for doing this! (more…)


Out on the Town Getting Establishing Shots!

Nico Van Den Berg shooting exterior shots.

Today, Nico Van Den Berg, our brilliant Director of Cinematography, came into for the weekend to finish up some needed establishing shots.

Nico and Adam Reeves (Director)  are out getting the B-Roll for the film. They are taking care of the final steps in completing the film.

They are out shooting exteriors of locations around the Bay Area including Shelby’s, office buildings, and apartment buildings. There was a lot to shoot in the morning hours. (more…)


Now in the CLIPS section! KOFY TV interview with Director & Stars of My Brother’s Shoes

We now have the clip that was aired on KOFY TV! You can see this in the CLIPS section of our site. For the FIRST TIME you will see rough scenes from the actual film that will be coming out this year.

So for those of you who missed the airing – or don’t have access to KOFY TV in your area – or who just want to see the interview over and over again – the clip is here! Just go the CLIPS page of our site.


