More great stuff to watch from the comedy film “My Brother’s Shoes” coming out to the world on June 13th!!
Gretta Sosine and Jacob Ellis do a great job making this funny scene work. It is a collage of 3 scenes that take place in the movie.
Tagged: Robert Vann
“My Brother’s Shoes” New Trailer
The new trailer for our film “My Brother’s Shoes” is available for viewing. As we get closer to the release of the film, we have been authorized to start showing the trailer that will be used on all the promotions and VOD sites. We hope you enjoy it and would love to hear what you think! Keep checking back for the FINAL RELEASE DATE!!
A Word From Adam Reeves – Director and Writer of My Brother’s Shoes
Tonight is the first public screening of “My Brother’s Shoes”.
It has been a long journey. Toward the last 30 days I have watched this film at least 3 times a day – every day. I have learned to love it, hate it, and then fall in love with it all over again.
I have watched and wished. I have wished that I had shot more scenes. I have wished that I had rehearsed more. I have wished that we had caught the mistakes. I have wished that we had more than 90 minutes to tell a story.
But there is a time where you have to let it go. You have to finally say “Okay, world, I have raised my child as carefully as I could. I have done my best. Now I send my child out into the world. Be kind. Be accepting. And give my child a chance to grow and shine.”
To all of you who will be coming out tonight – and to all of you who will be seeing this in the future – I hope you will enjoy being a part of this wonderful 90 minute experience. Some of you – I know. Some of you – I will never meet. But to have the chance to be a part of your lives for 90 minutes and have a shared experience with me and others who have watched the film, I am honored.
If my film makes you smile – if my film makes you think – if my film brings a tear to your eyes – if my film makes you laugh – if my film entertains you even for a brief moment in all the hour and a half you allow me – than I am proud to have created this film. And I thank you.
And here’s to a grand and exciting premiere!