Category: News

People Are Getting Their Copies in the Mail!!

GettingCopiesPeople are starting to get their copies in the mail of “My Brother’s Shoes”!!

I am getting many emails from people who bought a copy on-line that they are arriving in today’s mail. Everyone is SUPER excited to watch the movie for the first time in the comfort of their living room.

The support has been awesome and our fan base keeps growing.

Have you got your copy? Just CLICK the button to the right OR Click Here!

Availabe in Blu-Ray and DVD. Don’t delay!


We aim to please – your choice!

So you want a copy of the movie for your own private library?? Well, we give you a choice. You can have Blu-Ray or DVD.

Can’t decide? Well, here is a guide for you.

Blu-Ray holds a larger amount of information and therefore we can get the entire movie in hi-res bright color – sharp and crystal clear – you will see all the details if you watch this on your HD tv or monitor. This version is what is currently playing in theatres.

BUT you MUST have a Blu-Ray player. Check your equipment before ordering. Also you will NOT be able to play this on your computer or laptop – since most are NOT Blu-Ray compatible. If you don’t have a Blu-Ray player, but you are a gamer and have PS4 or XBox 360 then they are also Blu-Ray compatible.


DVD’s hold less information. In order to get our film on to a DVD, the quality had to be lessened and a lower res version is required. Any normal disc player is DVD and will play this fine. Will you notice the quality difference? No, only if you put two HD tv’s side by side. All laptops, computers, etc will play this. Even your Blu-Ray will play this. It is the most compatible. The colors will still look good but the detail will be a bit softer.

But the DVD is a bit cheaper to order than a Blu-Ray.

Our advice? If you have a Blu-Ray, order the Blu-Ray disc. It really is crystal clear and sharp. If you only have a DVD player, then the movie will still look great.

I hope this helps you decide.


Castro Premiere Was Quite A Night!

Castro Premiere of My Brother’s Shoes! What a night!

CAFestivalOpeningNightWe played our film to a full house. Most of the cast was there. The audience was great. They laughed, they cried, they begged for more!!

Afterwards we had Q&A and they got to meet the cast who were present – Gretta Sosine, Jacob Ellis, Blake Fiegert, Robert Vann, Donna Sachet – and then we all hit the red carpet for photos and autographs and selling of copies of the film to anxious fans.

Then on to a local pub where we had drinks and toasts and dancing and celebrating.

This film is great. The cast is great. This is going places!!
